
Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude Journals

At some point in their life, many people will face a mental health crisis. Perhaps it is the stress from a divorce, anxiety from a move, or grieving the loss of a loved one. There are numerous ways we can tackle mental health to make our entire well-being a priority. But one method that not nearly enough people speak about...[ read more ]

Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout at alarming rates.What are Mental Health Days Exactly?The good news is that taking a mental...[ read more ]

What Happy People Do Differently

Do a search right now on Amazon books on the topic of “Happiness” and you will be returned page after page of titles, all claiming to have the secret to finding it. Why our obsession with happiness? Maybe the better questions is, why does happiness seem to elude so many people?At one time, humans were too busy running from Sabre-Tooth...[ read more ]

Blue Monday: How to Prepare for the Saddest Day of the Year

Christmas is right around the corner. A time of fun and festivities, delights, and decadence. A time when we can enjoy our friends and family and live it up a little.And then January rolls around, and many of us find ourselves feeling a bit blue. And this is why “Blue Monday” has been established.Recognized on the third Monday in January,...[ read more ]

Setting Nutritional New Year’s Resolutions the Healthy Way

It’s that time of year when most of us think about setting our New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like a lot of people, you may have a goal of “losing weight” or “getting healthier.” These are obviously great goals to have, and making changes to your diet is one of the best ways to reach both.The problem is, too many...[ read more ]

How to Deal with Family Drama Around the Holidays

For many of us, spending time with family during the holidays is something straight out of a Hallmark movie with days filled with comfort and joy. But for others, the holidays with family are scarier than Halloween. From the stress of traveling to the pressure of buying and wrapping gifts, and the fact many family members can’t be in the...[ read more ]

Tips To Stay Healthy During Holiday Meals & Parties

The holidays are just around the corner, and that means singing carols, giving gifts, and eating copious amounts of fat and sugar! While it can feel perfectly fine and fun to be decadent over the holidays, before you know it, January first rolls around and you’ve put on 10 extra pounds!If you have been trying to eat right and are...[ read more ]

3 Signs Social Media Is Hindering Your Happiness

How long has it been since you checked your Facebook page or Twitter account? If you’re like most people, you use social media many times throughout the day.But while you may think social media is fun, studies have suggested that it can take a toll on our emotions. One such study by researchers at the University of Missouri focused on...[ read more ]

Sobering Information: The Effects of Alcohol on the Body

The holidays are just around the corner, and that means many of us will forego our diets – and common sense – and indulge in a variety of food and spirits. And while it may seem harmless to “live it up” once in a while, drinking too much alcohol can have some pretty dramatic effects on the body.Here are some...[ read more ]

Get Ahead of Your Seasonal Depression this Year

If you live in a colder climate, you know it can be challenging dealing with a lack of sunlight and being stuck inside due to frigid temps during winter months. It is for these reasons many people experience what is called “the winter blues.”But seasonal depression goes much deeper than this. Also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder – or SAD...[ read more ]

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